Thursday, January 29, 2009

General chemistry Online tutorial, Drill,and Endex

HomeCommon CompoundsExam GuideFAQFeaturesGlossaryConstruction KitsCompanion NotesJust Ask Antoine!SimulationsSlide IndexToolboxTutorial Index
Awards & ReviewsReverse Links
Fred SeneseDept. of Chemistry Frostburg State University

Common Compound LibraryA searchable database of over 800 common compound names, formulas, structures, and properties.
Companion NotesHyperlinked notes and guides for first semester general chemistry.
Construction KitsFlash-based kits for building chemical formulas, names, equations, and problem solutions.
ArticlesFeatured articles, books, and tutorials.
ToolboxInteractive graphing, popup tables, and calculators.
TutorialsIndex of self-guided tutorials, quizzes, and drills on specific topics.
Just Ask Antoine!Antoine answers general chemistry questions that you forgot to ask.
Frequently Asked QuestionsAnswers and hints for over 400 frequently asked questions.
GlossaryA searchable, crosslinked collection of over 1000 chemical terms; now with audio pronunciations.
SimulationsFlash-based simulations that link molecular events and structure with material properties.
Trivia QuizRandomly selected trivia questions.
Chemistry Exam Survival GuideSkills checklists and online self-grading examinations.
What's New
Added an Ionic Compound Construction Kit to the Construction Kit section.
Added 10 new questions to the Trivia Quiz.
Added a Simulations section. Added an Electrolyte Solution Simulation.
Fixed search of external databases in the Common Compound Library.Added a search of the NIH PubChem Compound Library.
"How can I predict whether a precipitate will form in solution?"
Added a Unit Conversion Construction Kit to the Construction Kit section.
Added a Chemical Equation Construction Kit to the Construction Kit section.
I've added a "Construction Kit" section. Construction kits are Flash movies that let you assemble problem solutions, chemical formulas, chemical equations, and other chemical objects piece by piece or step by step. These kits are prototypes; you'll find more polished versions on Wiley's textbook site (
The editors of Scientific American have selected General Chemistry Online as a winner of the 2004 Science and Technology Web Awards.
Sign up for a free monthlynewsletter describing updates,new features, and changeson this site.

General Chemistry Online! Home
Copyright © 1997-2005 by Fred SeneseComments & questions to fsenese@frostburg.eduLast Revised 07/31/07.URL:

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